Dermitzaki, Despina, Panagiotopoulou, Angeliki, Pissas, Michael, Sanakis, Yiannis, Psycharis, Vassilis and Raptopoulou, Catherine P., Synthesis, Crystal Structures and Magnetic Properties of Trinuclear Ni(2)Ln (Ln(III) = Dy, Ho) and Ni2Y Complexes with Schiff Base Ligands CRYSTALS, Volume 12, 2022 [doi]

Georgopoulou, A., Pissas, M., Psycharis, V., Sanakis, Y. and Raptopoulou, C.P., A single-chain magnet based on bis(end-on azido/alkoxo)-bridged linear [MnIII2MnII] repeating units Polyhedron, Volume 206, Article Number: 115334, 2021 [doi]

Zahariou, G., Ioannidis, N., Sanakis, Y. and Pantazis, D.A., Arrested Substrate Binding Resolves Catalytic Intermediates in Higher-Plant Water Oxidation Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, Volume 60, Pages: 3156-3162, 2021 [doi]

Dermitzaki, D., Pissas, M., Psycharis, V., Sanakis, Y. and Raptopoulou, C.P., Synthesis, crystal structures, magnetic and magnetocaloric studies of heterometallic enneanuclear Cu7Gd2 complexes Polyhedron, Volume 195, Article Number: 114960, 2021 [doi]

Mathivathanan, L., Sanakis, Y., Raptis, R.G., Turek, P. and Boudalis, A.K., Observation and deconvolution of a unique EPR signal from two cocrystallized spin triangles Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Volume 23, Pages: 14415-14421, 2021 [doi]

Chrysina, M., Zahariou, G., Ioannidis, N., Sanakis, Y. and Mitrikas, G., Electronic structure of tyrosyl D radical of photosystem II, as revealed by 2D-hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy Magnetochemistry, Volume 7, Article Number: 131, 2021 [doi]

Kalra, A., Bagchi, V., Paraskevopoulou, P., Das, P., Ai, L., Sanakis, Y., Raptopoulos, G., Mohapatra, S., Choudhury, A., Sun, Z., Cundari, T.R. and Stavropoulos, P., Is the Electrophilicity of the Metal Nitrene the Sole Predictor of Metal-Mediated Nitrene Transfer to Olefins? Secondary Contributing Factors as Revealed by a Library of High-Spin Co(II) Reagents Organometallics, Volume 40, Pages: 1974-1996, 2021 [doi]

Dimiza, F., Hatzidimitriou, A.G., Sanakis, Y., Papadopoulos, A.N. and Psomas, G., Trinuclear and tetranuclear iron(III) complexes with fenamates: Structure and biological profile Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Volume 218, Article Number: 111410, 2021 [doi]

Stoumpos, C.C., Danelli, P., Zahariou, G., Pissas, M., Psycharis, V., Raptopoulou, C.P., Sanakis, Y. and Perlepes, S.P., Di-2-pyridyl ketone-based ligands as evergreen “trees” in the “forest” of manganese chemistry: Mononuclear Mn(III) complexes from the use of MnF3 Polyhedron, Volume 207, Article Number: 115350, 2021 [doi]

Nano, K., Zahariou, G., Ioannou, P.-C., Alam, M.M., Pantazis, D.A., Raptopoulou, C.P., Psycharis, V., Sanakis, Y. and Kyritsis, P., Electronic properties of the S = 5/2 Mn(II) complexes [MnPhC(O)NP(O)PPh2(N,N)(NO3)], (N,N) = phenanthroline, neocuproine, 2,2′-bipyridine Polyhedron, Volume 207, Article Number: 115374, 2021 [doi]


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