Ellinas, K., Dimitrakellis, P., Sarkiris, P. and Gogolides, E., A review of fabrication methods, properties and applications of superhydrophobic metals Processes, Volume 9, Article Number: 666, 2021 [doi]

Smyrnakis, A., Ioannou, D., Ellinas, K., Tserepi, A. and Gogolides, E., Real-Time Monitoring and Quantification of Underwater Superhydrophobicity Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021 [doi]

Dimitrakellis, P., Ellinas, K., Kaprou, G.D., Mastellos, D.C., Tserepi, A. and Gogolides, E., Bactericidal Action of Smooth and Plasma Micro-Nanotextured Polymeric Surfaces with Varying Wettability, Enhanced by Incorporation of a Biocidal Agent Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, Volume 306, Article Number: 2000694, 2021 [doi]

Tzianou, M., Thomopoulos, G., Vourdas, N., Ellinas, K. and Gogolides, E., Tailoring Wetting Properties at Extremes States to Obtain Antifogging Functionality Advanced Functional Materials, Volume 31, Article Number: 2006687, 2021 [doi]

Nioras, D., Ellinas, K., Constantoudis, V. and Gogolides, E., How Different Are Fog Collection and Dew Water Harvesting on Surfaces with Different Wetting Behaviors? ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Volume 13, Pages: 48322-48332, 2021 [doi]

Kefallinou, D., Ellinas, K., Speliotis, T., Stamatakis, K., Gogolides, E. and Tserepi, A., Optimization of antibacterial properties of "hybrid" metal-sputtered superhydrophobic surfaces Coatings, Volume 10, Article Number: 25, 2020 [doi]

Sarkiris, P., Ellinas, K., Gkiolas, D., Mathioulakis, D. and Gogolides, E., Motion of Drops with Different Viscosities on Micro-Nanotextured Surfaces of Varying Topography and Wetting Properties Advanced Functional Materials, Volume 29, Article Number: 1902905, 2019 [doi]

Kourmpetis, I., Kastania, A.S., Ellinas, K., Tsougeni, K., Baca, M., De Malsche, W. and Gogolides, E., Gradient-temperature hot-embossing for dense micropillar array fabrication on thick cyclo-olefin polymeric plates: An example of a microfluidic chromatography column fabrication Micro and Nano Engineering, Volume 5, Article Number: 100042, 2019 [doi]

Ellinas, K., Tserepi, A. and Gogolides, E., Superhydrophobic fabrics with mechanical durability prepared by a two-step plasma processing method Coatings, Volume 8, Article Number: 351, 2018 [doi]


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