Zeniou, A., Smyrnakis, A., Constantoudis, V., Awsiuk, K. and Gogolides, E., One-step control of hierarchy and functionality of polymeric surfaces in a new plasma nanotechnology reactor Nanotechnology, Volume 32, Article Number: 235305, 2021 [doi]

Dimitrakellis, P., Giannoglou, M., Zeniou, A., Gogolides, E. and Katsaros, G., Food container employing a cold atmospheric plasma source for prolonged preservation of plant and animal origin food products MethodsX, Volume 8, Article Number: 101177, 2021 [doi]

Smyrnakis, A., Zeniou, A., Awsiuk, K., Constantoudis, V. and Gogolides, E., A non-lithographic plasma nanoassembly technology for polymeric nanodot and silicon nanopillar fabrication Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, Volume 13, Pages: 475-484, 2019 [doi]

Tountas, M., Georgiadou, D.G., Zeniou, A., Seintis, K., Soultati, A., Polydorou, E., Gardelis, S., Douvas, A.M., Speliotis, T., Tsikritzis, D., Kennou, S., Fakis, M., Gogolides, E., Tsoukalas, D., Argitis, P. and Vasilopoulou, M., Plasma induced degradation and surface electronic structure modification of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) films Polymer Degradation and Stability, Volume 149, Pages: 162-172, 2018 [doi]

Soultati, A., Kostis, I., Papadimitropoulos, G., Zeniou, A., Gogolides, E., Alexandropoulos, D., Vainos, N., Davazoglou, D., Speliotis, T., Stathopoulos, N.A., Argitis, P. and Vasilopoulou, M., Microwave exposure as a fast and cost-effective alternative of oxygen plasma treatment of indium-tin oxide electrode for application in organic solar cells Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Volume 50, Article Number: 505105, 2017 [doi]

Dimitrakellis, P., Gogolides, E., Zeniou, A., Awsiuk, K., Rysz, J. and Marzec, M.M., Transition between stable hydrophilization and fast etching/hydrophilization of poly(methyl)methacrylate polymer using a novel atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge source Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, Volume 35, Article Number: 041303, 2017 [doi]

Zeniou, A., Puač, N., Škoro, N., Selaković, N., Dimitrakellis, P., Gogolides, E. and Petrović, Z.L., Electrical and optical characterization of an atmospheric pressure, uniform, large-area processing, dielectric barrier discharge Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Volume 50, Article Number: 135204, 2017 [doi]

Stratakos, Y., Zeniou, A. and Gogolides, E., Comparison of Helical and Helicon Antennas as Sources of Plasma Excitation Using a Full Wave 3D Electromagnetic Analysis in Vacuum Plasma Processes and Polymers, Volume 14, Article Number: 1600107, 2017 [doi]

Stratakos, Y., Zeniou, A. and Gogolides, E., Electromagnetic simulation of helicon plasma antennas for their electrostatic shield design Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, Volume 34, Article Number: 031307, 2016 [doi]

Polydorou, E., Zeniou, A., Tsikritzis, D., Soultati, A., Sakellis, I., Gardelis, S., Papadopoulos, T.A., Briscoe, J., Palilis, L.C., Kennou, S., Gogolides, E., Argitis, P., Davazoglou, D. and Vasilopoulou, M., Surface passivation effect by fluorine plasma treatment on ZnO for efficiency and lifetime improvement of inverted polymer solar cells Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Volume 4, Pages: 11844-11858, 2016 [doi]


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