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microfabrication polymers polymer blends; (bio)chem sensing applications; physical chemistry


Dr. Petros Oikonomou received his B.Sc. degree in Chemistry from the Chemistry Department of Ioannina University (Greece) in 2003. He received the M.Sc. and the Ph.D. degree in “Polymers and their Applications” from the Chemistry Department of University of Athens in 2005 and 2012, respectively. Both M.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis research were performed at the Institutes of Microelectronics and Physical Chemistry at National Center for Scientific Research – NCSR, “DEMOKRITOS” –Greece. Currently, he is working as a Research Fellow at Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at NCSR “DEMOKRITOS” Greece. His research is focusing on the field of chemical microdevices with emphasis in gas sensing applications. His research interests include microfabrication, polymers, (bio)chem sensing applications and physical chemistry.


Oikonomou, P., Sanopoulou, M. and Papadokostaki, K.G., Blends of Poly(vinyl alcohol) and Poly(vinyl pyrrolidone): Interrelation between the Degree of Hydration and Thermal and Mechanical Properties Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Volume 60, Pages: 14203-14212, 2021 [doi]

Wang, Z., Syed, A., Bhattacharya, S., Chen, X., Buttner, U., Iordache, G., Salama, K., Ganetsos, T., Valamontes, E., Georgas, A., Raptis, I., Oikonomou, P., Botsialas, A. and Sanopoulou, M., Ultra miniaturized InterDigitated electrodes platform for sensing applications Microelectronic Engineering, Volume 225, Article Number: 111253, 2020 [doi]

Oikonomou, P., Botsialas, A., Papanikolaou, N., Kazas, I., Ntetsikas, K., Polymeropoulos, G., Hadjichristidis, N., Sanopoulou, M. and Raptis, I., Gas Sensitivity Amplification of Interdigitated Chemocapacitors through Etching IEEE Sensors Journal, Volume 20, Pages: 463-470, Article Number: 8822731, 2020 [doi]

Nika, A., Oikonomou, P., Manouras, T., Argitis, P., Vamvakaki, M., Sanopoulou, M., Raptis, I. and Chatzichristidi, M., Reversible chemocapacitor system based on PDMAEMA polymers for fast sensing of VOCs mixtures Microelectronic Engineering, Volume 227, Article Number: 111304, 2020 [doi]

Stathopoulos, N., Belessiotis, G., Oikonomou, P. and Papanicolaou, E., Experimental investigation of thermal degradation of phase change materials for medium-temperature thermal energy storage and tightness during cycling inside metal spheres Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 31, Article Number: 101618, 2020 [doi]

Tsoka, M., Oikonomou, P., Papadokostaki, K.G. and Sanopoulou, M., Properties of Polydimethylsiloxane Modified by Blending with Polyvinylpyrrolidone and a Poly(ethylene oxide)-Poly(propylene oxide) Triblock Copolymer Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Volume 59, Pages: 5797-5807, 2020 [doi]

Oikonomou, P., Botsialas, A., Olziersky, A., Hadjigeorgiou, E.P., Katsikas, S., Dimas, D., Sotiropoulos, G., Raptis, I. and Sanopoulou, M., A self-calibrated Wireless Sensing System for monitoring the ambient industrial environment. From lab to real-time application Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 237, Pages: 509-520, 2016 [doi]

Oikonomou, P., Botsialas, A., Olziersky, A., Kazas, I., Stratakos, I., Katsikas, S., Dimas, D., Mermikli, K., Sotiropoulos, G., Goustouridis, D., Raptis, I. and Sanopoulou, M., A wireless sensing system for monitoring the workplace environment of an industrial installation Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 224, Pages: 266-274, 2016 [doi]

Chavelas, D., Oikonomou, P., Botsialas, A., Argitis, P., Papanikolaou, N., Goustouridis, D., Beltsios, K., Lidorikis, E., Raptis, I. and Chatzichristidi, M., Lithographically tuned one dimensional polymeric photonic crystal arrays Optics and Laser Technology, Volume 68, Pages: 105-112, 2015 [doi]

Misiakos, K., Raptis, I., Makarona, E., Botsialas, A., Salapatas, A., Oikonomou, P., Psarouli, A., Petrou, P.S., Kakabakos, S.E., Tukkiniemi, K., Sopanen, M. and Jobst, G., All-silicon monolithic Mach-Zehnder interferometer as a refractive index and biochemical sensor Optics Express, Volume 22, Pages: 26803-26813, 2014 [doi]

Georgaki, M.-I., Botsialas, A., Argitis, P., Papanikolaou, N., Oikonomou, P., Raptis, I., Rysz, J., Budkowski, A. and Chatzichristidi, M., 1-D polymeric photonic crystals as spectroscopic zero-power humidity sensors Microelectronic Engineering, Volume 115, Pages: 55-60, 2014 [doi]

Oikonomou, P., Botsialasa, A., Olziersky, A., Stratakos, I., Katsikasc, S., Dimas, D., Sotiropoulos, G., Goustouridis, D., Raptis, I. and Sanopoulou, M., Wireless sensor network based on a chemocapacitive sensor array for the real-time monitoring of industrial pollutants Volume 87, Pages: 564-567, 2014 [doi]