Gas Proportional Counting System

Radiocarbon Dating: Detectors


Dr. Georgios S. Polymeris


Radiocarbon Dating: Detectors

Gas Proportional Counting system (GPC) for measuring14C activity in gas (CO2) samples

Dating of all kinds of organic materials of archaeological and environmental interest, biodegradation detection.

Technical Specifications
The system consists of 8cylindrical gas proportional counters made of purecopper with volumesof 4 and 3 L, bearing in the middle a tungsten gold-plated wire of diameter 20 μm. The counters are surrounded by continuous flow (Ar + 10% CH4) guard counters, for monitoringall incomingenvironmental radiation.
Associated specialized electronics provide operational high voltage, preamplifiers and main amplifiers, signal processing, and an anti-coincidence system for separation of the environmental radiationfrom the 14C activityof the sample.
Additional equipment:
System for monitoring the temperatures in the counters and the room, as well as humidity and atmospheric pressure every 5 min.

Associated Tools:
Related software

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