Study of the Peculiar Water Flow in Hydrophobic Carbon Nanotubes using 2D - NMR Spectroscopy

Michael Fardis
ESF - ΕΣΠΑ 2014-2020
This research is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund- ESF) through the Operational Programme «Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014- 2020» in the context of the project “Study of the Peculiar Water Flow in Hydrophobic Carbon Nanotubes using 2D - NMR Spectroscopy (MIS 5047810).
The research focuses on the peculiar behaviour of water flow through hydrophobic carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Carbon nanotubes have important applications in a variety of scientific fields including medicine, pharmaceuticals, the environment and advanced contemporary technologies. In addition, they share common structural features with biological systems, offering a unique platform for studying important biological processes. Therefore, the present research, which is expected to be particularly useful as conduit for understanding nanofluidic properties in a variety of nanoporous systems, aspires, among other things, to contribute to the understanding of the underlying mechanism regulating the circulation of important biological solutions through biological membranes.
In the framework of this project, the peculiar diffusion of water in carbon nanotubes is studied by applying a pioneering method combining 2D-NMR techniques with advanced inversion algorithms, aiming at understanding the diffusion mechanisms and interaction of water molecules with the nanotube walls and investigating the effects of dimensional restrictions on water dynamics.