Dr Alexandros El Sachat studied physics at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in Greece. In 2012 he received his master degree in “Microsystems and Nanodevices” from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), where he specialized in solid-state physics, optical spectroscopy and elastic light scattering in soft matter. Between 2013-2017 he obtained his PhD degree from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where he was involved in different projects with focused on the thermal characterization of nanostructures and 2D materials using Scanning Thermal Microscopy and Raman thermometry for applications in nanoelectronics and energy conversion. During the time of his Ph.D. studies, he established collaboration with several European partners, e.g., ULANC, IBM, VTT, ICMAB and CNRS and started research dedicated to nanoscale thermal transport. In 2017 he joined the group of Prof. Nicolas Agrait at Autonomous University of Madrid, where he worked in the European FET project “QuiET-Quantum Interference Enhanced Thermoelectricity”. His work involved the investigation of heat and charge transport in single-molecule junctions using state-of-the-art scanning probe techniques, such as Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy. Between 2019-2021 he integrated the Phononic and Photonic nanostructures group at ICN2, where he was scientific person in charge for the project: “SIP- Surface and interface reshaped phonon propagation and phonon coupling to photons”. He focused on developing a frequency-domain thermo-reflectance system to study thermal transport in 2D materials. In 2021 he got a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral (MSC) fellowship to investigate local thermal and thermoelectric properties of atomically-layered transition metal chalcogenides based nanostructures using scanning probe microscopy techniques. His work has led to 22 scientific peer-reviewed articles (h-index: 9), 1 book chapter, 6 invited talks and more than 30 talks in international conferences. Currently, his is a senor postdoctoral fellow at National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos" in Greece in the Epitaxy and Surface Science lab.