microfluidics, Lab-on-PCB, biochips, point-of-care, plasma surface engineering


Dr. Angeliki Tserepi (ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5426-1383) is Director of Research at the Institute of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, NCSR “Demokritos”. She received the B.Sc. Degree in Physics from the Univ. of Athens, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Physics from the Ohio State University, USA. She held a Post-Doctoral “Marie Curie” Fellowship (Human Capital and Mobility of Researchers) at the University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, and a “Marie Curie” Return Grant (Training & Mobility of Researchers) at IMEL-NCSR "Demokritos", Greece. She joined IMEL as researcher in 2003.She was Program Chair of Micro and Nano Engineering Conference (2019), Chair of SPIE Microtechnologies “BioMEMS and Medical Microdevices” (2013), co-chair of Micro and Nano Engineering (2008), in the organizing committee of Eurosensors (2011) and iPlasmaNano (2016), in the local organizing committee of Europt(r)ode (2014), and in the International Program Committee (IPC) of Micro & Nano Engineering Conference (since 2008) and μTAS (2012-2015). She is Editorial Board member of Biosensors (MDPI) and Micromachines

(MDPI), member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the Micro and Nanosystems journal and Guest Editor of four (4) Special Issues (in Microelectronic Engineering, Micro and Nano Engineering, SPIE, and Micromachines). She serves as regular reviewer in more than 20 peer-reviewed journals and has served as evaluator in various national and international research agencies (European Research Council (ERC), French National Research Agency (ANR), Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), CRG KAUST, ELIDEK).

She has received several honors including two scholarships from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation, and the 2nd award in the Innovation Contest “Greece Innovates” of the Hellenic Industries Association & Eurobank (2013, co-leader of the awarded team). She has participated in 25 national and European projects (coordinator or principal investigator in 9 of them). She is co-inventor of 12 patent families, author or co-author of more than 130 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 14 articles in peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings and 2 chapters in books (6519 citations and h-index=45, google scholar). She is co-founder of a spin-off company (Nanoplasmas PC) and has acted as advisor of a spin-out company (Diagnostics-on-Board, Ltd).

During the period 2003-2010, she was responsible for the education activities of IMEL-NCSR “Demokritos”. She is now member of the Committee for Research Exploitation and coordinator & member of the Gender Equality Committee at NCSR “Demokritos”. She has supervised or supervises 6 PhD and 16 Master theses, and she is/was member of the advisory committee of 10 PhD theses.Her research interests include development of microfluidic/lab-on-a-chip devices and biomolecule microarrays for food safety and disease diagnostics, where the PCB-based approach emerges as a promising manufacturing technology. Organ-on-a-chip platforms. Mechanisms for liquid transport at the microscale. Plasma-based patterning and surface engineering of materials for control of wettability (with focus on superhydrophobicity/ superhydrophilicity, oleophobicity), biomolecule immobilization, and cell adhesion on surfaces, antibacterial surfaces.




Papadopoulos, V.E., Kefala, I.N., Kaprou, G.D., Tserepi, A. and Kokkoris, G., Modeling heat losses in microfluidic devices: The case of static chamber devices for DNA amplification International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 184, Article Number: 122011, 2022 [doi]

Smyrnakis, A., Ioannou, D., Ellinas, K., Tserepi, A. and Gogolides, E., Real-Time Monitoring and Quantification of Underwater Superhydrophobicity Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2021 [doi]

Georgoutsou-Spyridonos, M., Filippidou, M., Kaprou, G.D., Mastellos, D.C., Chatzandroulis, S. and Tserepi, A., Isothermal recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) of E. coli gDNA in commercially fabricated PCB-based microfluidic platforms Micromachines, Volume 12, Article Number: 1387, 2021 [doi]

Dimitrakellis, P., Ellinas, K., Kaprou, G.D., Mastellos, D.C., Tserepi, A. and Gogolides, E., Bactericidal Action of Smooth and Plasma Micro-Nanotextured Polymeric Surfaces with Varying Wettability, Enhanced by Incorporation of a Biocidal Agent Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, Volume 306, Article Number: 2000694, 2021 [doi]

Kanioura, A., Petrou, P., Kletsas, D., Tserepi, A., Chatzichristidi, M., Gogolides, E. and Kakabakos, S., Three-dimensional (3D) hierarchical oxygen plasma micro/nanostructured polymeric substrates for selective enrichment of cancer cells from mixtures with normal ones Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Volume 187, Article Number: 110675, 2020 [doi]

Tsougeni, K., Kaprou, G., Loukas, C.M., Papadakis, G., Hamiot, A., Eck, M., Rabus, D., Kokkoris, G., Chatzandroulis, S., Papadopoulos, V., Dupuy, B., Jobst, G., Gizeli, E., Tserepi, A. and Gogolides, E., Lab-on-Chip platform and protocol for rapid foodborne pathogen detection comprising on-chip cell capture, lysis, DNA amplification and surface-acoustic-wave detection Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 320, Article Number: 128345, 2020 [doi]

Kefallinou, D., Ellinas, K., Speliotis, T., Stamatakis, K., Gogolides, E. and Tserepi, A., Optimization of antibacterial properties of "hybrid" metal-sputtered superhydrophobic surfaces Coatings, Volume 10, Article Number: 25, 2020 [doi]

Kaprou, G.D., Papadopoulos, V., Loukas, C.-M., Kokkoris, G. and Tserepi, A., Towards PCB-based miniaturized thermocyclers for DNA amplification Micromachines, Volume 11, Article Number: 258, 2020 [doi]

Tsougeni, K., Kaprou, G., Loukas, C.-M., Papadakis, G., Hamiot, A., Eck, M., Rabus, D., Kokkoris, G., Papadopoulos, V., Dupuy, B., Jobst, G., Gizeli, E., Tserepi, A. and Gogolides, E., Lab-on-chip platform with fully integrated sample preparation module coupled with a hybridization-free surface acoustic wave sensor for rapid foodborne pathogen detection Pages: 693-694, 2019 [doi]

Tsougeni, K., Kastania, A.S., Kaprou, G.D., Eck, M., Jobst, G., Petrou, P.S., Kakabakos, S.E., Mastellos, D., Gogolides, E. and Tserepi, A., A modular integrated lab-on-a-chip platform for fast and highly efficient sample preparation for foodborne pathogen screening Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 288, Pages: 171-179, 2019 [doi]

Kaprou, G., Filippidou, M., Douskas, S., Kokkoris, G., Petrou, P., Mastellos, D., Chatzandroulis, S. and Tserepi, A., Lab-on-PCB platform for the sensitive and rapid detection of urinary tract infections Pages: 722-723, 2019 [doi]

Kaprou, G.D., Papadopoulos, V., Papageorgiou, D.P., Kefala, I., Papadakis, G., Gizeli, E., Chatzandroulis, S., Kokkoris, G. and Tserepi, A., Ultrafast, low-power, PCB manufacturable, continuous-flow microdevice for DNA amplification Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Volume 411, Pages: 5297-5307, 2019 [doi]

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