Dr. Aris Terzis, ex-project leader of the Crystallography Lab (retired 2008) and Research Director, continued his daily research activity till 2020. He obtained his PhD from Princeton University, N.J. U.S.A., Department of Chemistry, under the supervision of T.Spiro (1970), then moved to University of Montreal as Researcher (1970-1974) and to Dalhousie University, Canada as Ass.Prof. (1974-1978). He spent two years as visiting professor at U.S.C. Los Angeles (1986) and UCLA Los Angeles (1991). During his career, the Crystallography Lab played a national role through collaborations he developed with all Inorganic Chemistry Departments of Greek Universities, resulting in hundreds of crystal structures solved and dozens of PhD thesis supported. He has published 456 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, more than 14000 citations and h index 63.