photodetectors, carbon nanotubes, molecular materials, molecular devices, electron beam lithography, scanning probe microscopy


Dr. Dimitrios Velessiotis holds a B.Sc. in Physics from Patras University since 1997 and a M.Sc. in Microelectronics from National and Kapodistrian University of Athens since 2002. He became Dr. of the Informatics and Telecommunications Faculty of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens in 2006. His Ph.D. thesis was titled "Construction of Microelectronic Nanostructures and Nanodevices Using Polyoxometalates" and dealt with the fabrication by means of electron beam lithography (EBL) of molecular junctions based on mixtures of polyoxometalate acids and lithographic resists and their consecutive electrical characterization. The experimental work of his thesis was performed in the -then- Institute of Microelectronics (IMEL-now part of INN) of NCSR "Demokritos". Dr. Velessiotis continued working at IMEL first as collaborating researcher at TASNANO EU project (2007-2008), then as post-doctoral fellow (2009-2012) studying self-assembled mono- and multi-layers of polyoxometallates by means of scanning probe microscopy (SPM) as well as using them in the fabrication of molecular electronic devices of the Metal-molecular-Metal junctions’ type. From 2013 onwards, he continued working on various INN’s research projects and activities, focusing on structural and electrical characterization of several materials used in electronic devices by means of SPM and the fabrication (using EBL) and electrical characterization of nano-wire (NW) transistors. Currently, Dr. Velessiotis is coordinator of an HFRI project titled “Low-Cost Carbon Nanotubes Photodetectors” (project’s site: His research interests include electron beam lithography and its applications, molecular electronics devices carbon nanotubes photodetectors and scanning probe microscopy. He is coauthor in 20 papers in international scientific journals with approximately 260 citations and h-index = 9. He has also participated in 28 announcements in national and international conferences (including 3 invited talks) and in 1 patent





Skarlatos, D, Velessiotis, D, Skoulikidou, MC, Ioannou-Sougleridis, V, Vouroutzis, NZ and Stoemenos, J, Substrate damage in ion-implanted (100) germanium after extended ms flash lamp annealing: Origins and suppression Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Elsevier, Volume 122, Pages: 105477, 2021 [doi]

Kyriakis, A, Glezos, N, Velessiotis, D, Pilatos, G, Speliotis, T and Stefanou, A, A UV photodetector based on ordered free standing MWCNT Journal of Instrumentation, IOP Publishing, Volume 15, Pages: C01015, 2020 [doi]

Skarlatos, Dimitrios, Ioannou-Sougleridis, Vassilios, Barozzi, Mario, Pepponi, Giancarlo, Vouroutzis, Nikolaos Zisis, Velessiotis, Dimitrios, Stoemenos, John, Zographos, Nikolas and Colombeau, Benjamin P, Issues with n-type Dopants in Germanium ECS Transactions, IOP Publishing, Volume 86, Pages: 51, 2018 [doi]

Skarlatos, D, Ioannou-Sougleridis, V, Barozzi, M, Pepponi, G, Velessiotis, D, Skoulikidou, MC, Vouroutzis, NZ, Papagelis, K, Dimitrakis, P, Thomidis, C and others, Phosphorous Diffusion in N2+-Implanted Germanium during Flash Lamp Annealing: Influence of Nitrogen on Ge Substrate Damage and Capping Layer Engineering ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, IOP Publishing, Volume 6, Pages: P418, 2017 [doi]

Kostic, I, Konecnikova, A, Matay, L, Nemec, P, Glezos, N, Velessiotis, D and Pisecny, P, Limits to nanopatterning based on e-beam lithography 2014 [doi]

Vasilopoulou, Maria, Dimitrakis, Panagiotis, Georgiadou, Dimitra G, Velessiotis, Dimitrios, Papadimitropoulos, Georgios, Davazoglou, Dimitris, Coutsolelos, Athanassios G and Argitis, Panagiotis, Emergence of ambient temperature ferroelectricity in meso-tetrakis (1-methylpyridinium-4-yl) porphyrin chloride thin films Applied Physics Letters, AIP, Volume 103, Pages: 022908, 2013 [doi]

Heber, Joerg, Schlom, Darell, Tokura, Yoshi, Waser, Rainer and Wuttig, Matthias, Frontiers in Electronic Materials Wiley-VCH, 2012 [doi]

Velessiotis, D, Douvas, AM, Dimitrakis, P, Argitis, P and Glezos, N, Conduction mechanisms in tungsten-polyoxometalate self-assembled molecular junctions Microelectronic engineering, Elsevier, Volume 97, Pages: 150–153, 2012 [doi]

Ganczarczyk, Arkadius, Geller, Martin, Lorke, Axel, Reuter, Dirk, Wieck, Andreas D, Szelong, M, Wieser, U, Knop, M, Kunze, U, Reuter, D and others, Nanosession: Low-Dimensional Transport and Ballistic Effects Frontiers in Electronic Materials: A Collection of Extended Abstracts of the Nature Conference Frontiers in Electronic Materials, June 17th to 20th 2012, Aachen, Germany, Pages: 441–451, 2012 [doi]

Velessiotis, D, Douvas, AM, Athanasiou, S, Nilsson, Bengt, Petersson, G"oran and S"odervall, Ulf, Alestig, G"oran, Argitis, P and Glezos, N, Molecular junctions made of tungsten-polyoxometalate self-assembled monolayers: Towards polyoxometalate-based molecular electronics devices Microelectronic engineering, Elsevier, Volume 88, Pages: 2775–2777, 2011 [doi]

Normand, Pascal, Argitis, Panagiotis, Glezos, Nikolaos, Kapetanakis, Eleftherios, Douvas, Antonios, Makarona, Eleni, Velessiotis, Dimitrios and others, MEMORY DEVICES USING PROTON-CONDUCTING POLYMERIC MATERIALS EP Patent 2,277,202, 2011 [doi]

Kapetanakis, E, Douvas, AM, Velessiotis, D, Makarona, E, Argitis, P, Glezos, N and Normand, P, Hybrid organic–inorganic materials for molecular proton memory devices Organic Electronics, North-Holland, Volume 10, Pages: 711–718, 2009 [doi]

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