

Manoli Kyriaki received her B.Sc. in Chemistry in 2003 from the University of Ioannina, Greece and her M.Sc. and PhD in “Polymer Science and its Applications” from the Chemistry Department of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens- Greece in 2005 and 2010 respectively. Her research work for both degrees was conducted at National Centre of Scientific Research (NCSR) “Demokritos”, within the framework of a collaborative program between the Institutes of Physical Chemistry and that of Microelectronics under the supervision of Dr. Merope Sanopoulou and Dr. Ioannis Raptis. In 2011 she joined the group of Prof. Luisa Torsi in the Chemistry Department at University of Bari in Italy as a postdoc. From to 2016 till 2020 she worked as a fixed term researcher at the same University. In 2020 she returned to Greece and begun to work as temporary high school teacher. At the same time, she continues her research activity collaborating with Dr. Raptis at the NCSR on a post-doctoral project in a part time capacity.

The research activity of Dr. K. Manoli is mainly focused on the design, fabrication and performance evaluation of electronic sensing devices. In particular, she has been involved in the development of functional electronic devices that embed biological elements. She has considerable experience in the field of processing, manufacturing and characterization of semiconductor-based electronics device and the development of biosensors. During these years, she has studied various immobilization strategies of biomolecules and got hand-on experience with several techniques for the chemical and morphological characterization of biofunctional surfaces.

Dr. K. Manoli has participated in several European and National funded projects regarding the development and evaluation of organic electronics. She is the co-author of more than 50 peer-reviewed journal/conference papers and 3 book chapters. She holds one patent and has participated in 39 national and international conferences. She has served as referee for scientific journals in the field of sensors, materials, organic electronics, and analytical chemistry. She has participated as a member of the panel on the review and evaluation of the scientific quality and innovativeness of submitted research proposals for the Academy of Finland in 2015 and 2020.

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