Self-healing of cementitious materials, Encapsulation methods, Smart building materials, Cement hydration


Stamatoula Papaioannou received her diploma in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens in 2017. Her diploma thesis was conducted in collaboration with TITAN cement industry, and focused on the hydration mechanism of sulfoaluminate cements with additions of supplementary materials. Since 2018, she is PhD student in the frame of collaboration between the Department of Materials Science & Engineering of University of Ioannina and the Archaeological and Building Materials laboratory of Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, NCSR “Demokritos”. The PhD project is funded by AKEISTHAI (Self-healing and self-sensing nano-composite conservation mortars) research project and deals with the development of self-healing cementitious materials with encapsulated healing agents for increasing the sustainability and service life of concrete structures




Papaioannou, S., Amenta, M., Kilikoglou, V., Gournis, D. and Karatasios, I., Synthesis and integration of cement-based capsules modified with sodium silicate for developing self-healing cements Construction and Building Materials, Volume 316, Article Number: 125803, 2022 [doi]

Amenta, M., Papaioannou, S., Kilikoglou, V. and Karatasios, I., Morphological and Chemical Characterization of Self-Healing Products in MgO Concrete RILEM Bookseries, Volume 34, Pages: 335-348, 2022 [doi]

Amenta, M., Metaxa, Z.S., Papaioannou, S., Katsiotis, M.S., Kilikoglou, V., Kourkoulis, S.K. and Karatasios, I., Quantitative evaluation of self-healing capacity in cementitious materials Material Design and Processing Communications, Volume 3, Article Number: e152, 2021 [doi]

Litina, C., Bumanis, G., Anglani, G., Dudek, M., Maddalena, R., Amenta, M., Papaioannou, S., Pérez, G., Calvo, J.L.G., Asensio, E., Cobos, R.B., Pinto, F.T., Augonis, A., Davies, R., Guerrero, A., Moreno, M.S., Stryszewska, T., Karatasios, I., Tulliani, J.-M., Antonaci, P., Bajare, D. and Al‐tabbaa, A., Evaluation of methodologies for assessing self‐healing performance of concrete with mineral expansive agents: An interlaboratory study Materials, Volume 14, Article Number: 2024, 2021 [doi]

Papaioannou, S., Amenta, M., Kilikoglou, V., Gournis, D. and Karatasios, I., Critical aspects in the development and integration of encapsulated healing agents in cement and concrete Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Volume 19, Pages: 301-320, 2021 [doi]

Pandis, P.K., Papaioannou, S., Siaperas, V., Terzopoulos, A. and Stathopoulos, V.N., Evaluation of Zn- and Fe- rich organic coatings for corrosion protection and condensation performance on waste heat recovery surfaces International Journal of Thermofluids, Volume 3-4, Article Number: 100025, 2020 [doi]

Pandis, P.K., Papaioannou, S., Siaperas, V., Terzopoulos, A. and Stathopoulos, V.N., Evaluation of Zn- and Fe- rich organic coatings for corrosion protection and condensation performance on waste heat recovery surfaces International Journal of Thermofluids, Volume 3-4, Article Number: 100025, 2020 [doi]

Pandis, P.K., Papaioannou, S., Siaperas, V., Terzopoulos, A. and Stathopoulos, V.N., Evaluation of Zn- and Fe- rich organic coatings for corrosion protection and condensation performance on waste heat recovery surfaces International Journal of Thermofluids, Volume 3-4, Article Number: 100025, 2020 [doi]

Pandis, P.K., Papaioannou, S., Siaperas, V., Terzopoulos, A. and Stathopoulos, V.N., Evaluation of Zn- and Fe- rich organic coatings for corrosion protection and condensation performance on waste heat recovery surfaces International Journal of Thermofluids, Volume 3-4, Article Number: 100025, 2020 [doi]

Pandis, P.K., Papaioannou, S., Siaperas, V., Terzopoulos, A. and Stathopoulos, V.N., Evaluation of Zn- and Fe- rich organic coatings for corrosion protection and condensation performance on waste heat recovery surfaces International Journal of Thermofluids, Volume 3-4, Article Number: 100025, 2020 [doi]

Pandis, P.K., Papaioannou, S., Siaperas, V., Terzopoulos, A. and Stathopoulos, V.N., Evaluation of Zn- and Fe- rich organic coatings for corrosion protection and condensation performance on waste heat recovery surfaces International Journal of Thermofluids, Volume 3-4, Article Number: 100025, 2020 [doi]

Pandis, P.K., Papaioannou, S., Koukou, M.K., Vrachopoulos, M.Gr. and Stathopoulos, V.N., Differential scanning calorimetry based evaluation of 3D printed PLA for phase change materials encapsulation or as container material of heat storage tanks Volume 161, Pages: 429-437, 2019 [doi]

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