Nanomaterials, photocatalysis, supercapacitors, CO2 conversion, microwave absorbing & shielding materials


Giannakopoulou Tatiana received her Diploma in Radiophysics and Electronics including Quantum Radiophysics from the State Shevchenko University of Kiev in 1985. She earned her Ph.D. degree from the same university in 1993 performing thesis entitled “Polarization properties of the diffusely scattered coherent electromagnetic radiation”. She carried out her research on construction and optimization of automated Stokes polarimeters, on non-invasive polarimetric methods of the material investigation as a scientific researcher at Polarimetry Laboratory of the Kiev University from 1985 until 1996.Since 2000, she is with the NCSR Demokritos. At first, she was involved in research projects on the electromagnetic properties of ferromagnetic, ferroelectric and conductive polymer materials for design of the microwave absorbers with Sol-Gel Laboratory. Then, she joined the Laboratory of Nanofunctional and Nanocomposite Materials being engaged in different projects concerning such fields as photo-electrocatalysis and supercapacitors, metamaterials and EMI shielding as well as CO2 conversion to valuable materials. Her recent scientific interests are focused on structural, optical and electrochemical properties of semiconductors, graphene and 2D graphene-like nanostructures for environmental and energy applications. She has an experience in the description/calculation of thin semiconductor films via optical dispersion models, in the nanomaterial fabrication routes such as sol-gel, hydrothermal, electrochemical deposition and metallothermic reduction techniques and in the characterization techniques that include UV-visible light spectroscopy, conventional and attenuated total reflectance FT-IR, RAMAN spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Giannakopoulou T. has ~59 publications in peer-reviewed scholar journals with ~2438 citations, h-index 28 (Google Scholar 20/12/2021).


Papailias, I., Todorova, N., Giannakopoulou, T., Dvoranová, D., Brezová, V., Dimotikali, D. and Trapalis, C., Selective removal of organic and inorganic air pollutants by adjusting the g-C3N4/TiO2 ratio Catalysis Today, Volume 361, Pages: 37-42, 2021 [doi]

Bika, P., Giannakopoulou, T., Osokin, V., Li, M., Todorova, N., Kaidatzis, A., Taylor, R.A., Trapalis, C. and Dallas, P., An insight study into the parameters altering the emission of a covalent triazine framework Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Volume 9, Pages: 13770-13781, 2021 [doi]

Athanasoulia, I.-G., Giachalis, K., Todorova, N., Giannakopoulou, T., Tarantili, P. and Trapalis, C., Preparation of hybrid composites of PLLA using GO/PEG masterbatch and their characterization Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Volume 143, Pages: 3385-3399, 2021 [doi]

Giannakopoulou, T., Pilatos, G., Todorova, N., Boukos, N., Vaimakis, T., Karatasios, I. and Trapalis, C., Effect of processing temperature on growing bamboo-like carbon nanotubes by chemical vapor deposition Materials Today Chemistry, Volume 19, Article Number: 100388, 2021 [doi]

Chaitoglou, S., Giannakopoulou, T., Papanastasiou, G., Tsoutsou, D., Vavouliotis, A., Trapalis, C. and Dimoulas, A., Cu vapor-assisted formation of nanostructured Mo2C electrocatalysts via direct chemical conversion of Mo surface for efficient hydrogen evolution reaction applications Applied Surface Science, Volume 510, Article Number: 145516, 2020 [doi]

Giannakopoulou, T., Todorova, N., Erotokritaki, A., Plakantonaki, N., Tsetsekou, A. and Trapalis, C., Electrochemically deposited graphene oxide thin film supercapacitors: Comparing liquid and solid electrolytes Applied Surface Science, Volume 528, Article Number: 146801, 2020 [doi]

Athanasoulia, I.-G., Giachalis, K., Korres, D., Todorova, N., Giannakopoulou, T., Tarantili, P.A. and Trapalis, C., Study of thermomechanical, structural and antibacterial properties of poly(lactic acid) reinforced with graphene oxide nanoparticles via melt mixing Polymer International, Volume 69, Pages: 995-1007, 2020 [doi]

Todorova, N., Papailias, I., Giannakopoulou, T., Ioannidis, N., Boukos, N., Dallas, P., Edelmannová, M., Reli, M., Kočí, K. and Trapalis, C., Photocatalytic h2evolution, co2reduction, and noxoxidation by highly exfoliated g-c3n4 Catalysts, Volume 10, Pages: 1-27, Article Number: 1147, 2020 [doi]

Papailias, I., Todorova, N., Giannakopoulou, T., Ioannidis, N., Dallas, P., Dimotikali, D. and Trapalis, C., Novel torus shaped g-C3N4 photocatalysts Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Volume 268, Article Number: 118733, 2020 [doi]

Trapalis, C., Bardi, N., Giannakopoulou, T. and Vavouliotis, A., Electrodeposited films of graphene, carbon nanotubes, and their mixtures for supercapacitor applications ACS Applied Nano Materials, Volume 3, Pages: 10003-10013, 2020 [doi]

Chaitoglou, S., Giannakopoulou, T., Speliotis, T., Vavouliotis, A., Trapalis, C. and Dimoulas, A., Mo2C/graphene heterostructures: Low temperature chemical vapor deposition on liquid bimetallic Sn-Cu and hydrogen evolution reaction electrocatalytic properties Nanotechnology, Volume 30, Article Number: 125401, 2019 [doi]

Vaimakis-Tsogkas, D.T., Bekas, D.G., Giannakopoulou, T., Todorova, N., Paipetis, A.S. and Barkoula, N.-M., Effect of TiO2 addition/coating on the performance of polydimethylsiloxane-based silicone elastomers for outdoor applications Materials Chemistry and Physics, Volume 223, Pages: 366-373, 2019 [doi]

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