Theodoros Kasimatis received his bachelor degree from the Physics Department of the University of Athens (BSc 2014), where he performed a BSc thesis, entitled: “Deviations in the nematic phase of liquid crystals”, under the supervision of Prof. I Lelidis. In 2016 he received his MSc degree from the same University. For the needs of his Master’s degree he presented an MSc thesis entitled ““Synchronization phenomena in neuron networks” cosupervised by Prof. I. Lellidis ( Univ. of Athens) and Dr. A. Provata (NCSR “Demokritos). He is currently enrolled in a PhD program at the National Technical University of Athens, entitled “Dynamical phenomena in networks of coupled non linear oscillators”. Since 2014, Mr. Kasimatis is a research collaborator of the Statistical Mechanics and Dynamical Systems Laboratory, INN_GROUP_STATISTICAL_MECHANICS_AND_DYNAMICAL_SYSTEMS , and a member of the Complex Systems and Applications (COSA) Network, at NCSR “Demokritos”.
His research interests include Nonlinear Dynamics, Statistical Mechanics, Complex Systems, Computational Neuroscience and Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation.