Renishaw Raman



Dr Polycarpos Falaras


Vibrational spectroscopy

Model: Renishawin-Via Reflex micro-Raman spectrometer, equipped witha Leica DMLM microscope
Source: Visible at 514.5 nm or near-infrared at 785 nmlaser
Stage: Encoded, motorizedsample stage


Possible analysis on powders, thin films and devices; Processes/Mechanisms (e.g. CO2 capture); Time resolution (reaction kinetics) and space resolution (e.g. solar cells); Resonance Raman; SERS Raman; PL measurements using the Raman set-up.

Technical Specifications

Micro-Raman spectra can be measured in the 30 − 3200 cm-1 range in backscattering configuration on a dispersive Renishaw in-Via Reflex spectrometer with 250 mm focal length equipped with a high sensitivity, deep-depletion CCD detector. Excitation is performed by an Argon laser (emitting at 514,5 nm) or a near infrared (NIR) solid-state laser emitting at 785 nm. The laser beam is focused on the sample’s surface using a ×50 long focal distance objective lens of a Leica DMLM microscope providing power density of approximately 1 mW μm-2. Raman scattered signal is filtered by a 30 cm-1 cut-off dielectric filter and analyzed with a CCD detector using a 1200 lines/mm diffraction grating. For recording variable temperature measurements in the -193 –102 °C range, the samples were loaded into a THMS600PS Linkam temperature-controlled heating−freezing optical stage and measured under inert atmosphere.

Other Capabilities: map scanning

Analysis Software: WiRE 3.4

Dr Polycarpos Falaras

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