surface functionalization, bioassays, microfluidics, lab-on-chip, bacteria capturing, molecular diagnostics


Dr. TSOUGENI KATERINA, post-doctoral researcher & co-founder, product development manager, Head of R&R and PRRC of Nanoplasmas Private Company, Spin-off Company of NCSR “Demokritos”.

PhD: 2010, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Chemistry, Greece, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Thesis title: “Micro and Nano Modification of Polymers for the Fabrication of Polymeric Microanalytical Devices”, M.Sc.: 2005, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Chemistry, B.Sc.: 2003, Petroleum and Natural Gas Chemistry and Technology, Technological Educational Institute of Kavala

Publications: Number of peer-reviewed journal articles: 40, Number of book chapters: 3, Number of Conference presentations (National, European and International): 75, Number of Patents: 3, Number of Citations: 1649 citations since 2012 (google scholar). h-index: 21 ( Funded projects: 1) Industrial Scholarship Program, SNF and “DEMOKRITOS”, 2) MiNaSys-Coe, Micro and Nano Systems - Center of Excellence FP7-REGPOT-2009-245940, 3) LOVE FOOD programme Contract No 317742, 4) LOVEFOOD2Market Horizon Project No 687681, 5) ICT/NMP2 European project Nanoplasma NMP2 - CT - 2006 – 016424, 6) LEGEND (Τ2EDK_03877): Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Operational Programme 2014‐2020 (EPAnEK), (April 2020).


Koukouvinos, G., Karachaliou, C.-E., Kanioura, A., Tsougeni, K., Livaniou, E., Kakabakos, S.E. and Petrou, P.S., Fluorescence enhancement on silver-plated plasma micro-nanostructured 3d polymeric microarray substrates for multiplex mycotoxin detection Processes, Volume 9, Pages: 1-17, Article Number: 392, 2021 [doi]

Tsougeni, K., Kaprou, G., Loukas, C.M., Papadakis, G., Hamiot, A., Eck, M., Rabus, D., Kokkoris, G., Chatzandroulis, S., Papadopoulos, V., Dupuy, B., Jobst, G., Gizeli, E., Tserepi, A. and Gogolides, E., Lab-on-Chip platform and protocol for rapid foodborne pathogen detection comprising on-chip cell capture, lysis, DNA amplification and surface-acoustic-wave detection Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 320, Article Number: 128345, 2020 [doi]

Tsougeni, K., Kaprou, G., Loukas, C.-M., Papadakis, G., Hamiot, A., Eck, M., Rabus, D., Kokkoris, G., Papadopoulos, V., Dupuy, B., Jobst, G., Gizeli, E., Tserepi, A. and Gogolides, E., Lab-on-chip platform with fully integrated sample preparation module coupled with a hybridization-free surface acoustic wave sensor for rapid foodborne pathogen detection Pages: 693-694, 2019 [doi]

Kourmpetis, I., Kastania, A.S., Ellinas, K., Tsougeni, K., Baca, M., De Malsche, W. and Gogolides, E., Gradient-temperature hot-embossing for dense micropillar array fabrication on thick cyclo-olefin polymeric plates: An example of a microfluidic chromatography column fabrication Micro and Nano Engineering, Volume 5, Article Number: 100042, 2019 [doi]

Tsougeni, K., Kastania, A.S., Kaprou, G.D., Eck, M., Jobst, G., Petrou, P.S., Kakabakos, S.E., Mastellos, D., Gogolides, E. and Tserepi, A., A modular integrated lab-on-a-chip platform for fast and highly efficient sample preparation for foodborne pathogen screening Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 288, Pages: 171-179, 2019 [doi]

Tsougeni, K., Ellinas, K., Koukouvinos, G., Petrou, P.S., Tserepi, A., Kakabakos, S.E. and Gogolides, E., Three-dimensional (3D) plasma micro-nanotextured slides for high performance biomolecule microarrays: Comparison with epoxy-silane coated glass slides Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, Volume 165, Pages: 270-277, 2018 [doi]

Tsougeni, K., Ellinas, K., Koukouvinos, G., Petrou, P.S., Tserepi, A., Kakabakos, S.E. and Gogolides, E., 3D plasma nanotextured® polymeric surfaces for protein or antibody arrays, and biomolecule and cell patterning Methods in Molecular Biology, Volume 1771, Pages: 27-40, 2018 [doi]

Papadakis, G., Murasova, P., Hamiot, A., Tsougeni, K., Kaprou, G., Eck, M., Rabus, D., Bilkova, Z., Dupuy, B., Jobst, G., Tserepi, A., Gogolides, E. and Gizeli, E., Micro-nano-bio acoustic system for the detection of foodborne pathogens in real samples Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Volume 111, Pages: 52-58, 2018 [doi]

Kastania, A.S., Tsougeni, K., Constantoudis, V. and Gogolides, E., Binding kinetics of bacteria cells on immobilized antibodies in microfluidic channels: Modeling and experiments Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 253, Pages: 247-257, 2017 [doi]

Gianneli, M., Tsougeni, K., Grammoustianou, A., Tserepi, A., Gogolides, E. and Gizeli, E., Nanostructured PMMA-coated Love wave device as a platform for protein adsorption studies Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, Volume 236, Pages: 583-590, 2016 [doi]

Ellinas, K., Tsougeni, K., Petrou, P.S., Boulousis, G., Tsoukleris, D., Pavlatou, E., Tserepi, A., Kakabakos, S.E. and Gogolides, E., Three-dimensional plasma micro-nanotextured cyclo-olefin-polymer surfaces for biomolecule immobilization and environmentally stable superhydrophobic and superoleophobic behavior Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 300, Pages: 394-403, 2016 [doi]

Tsougeni, K., Kastania, A.S., Kaprou, G., Tserepi, A. and Gogolides, E., Microfluidic sample preparation components for DNA-based food pathogen detection Pages: 681-682, 2016 [doi]

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