INN invites expressions of interest for hosting ERC, ERA CHAIR and Marie Curie Fellow Candidates to work in collaboration or complementary to INN research groups. In particular, INN is interested for joined applications under the following EU funding programs such as:

1) ERA Chairs (Funding & tenders ( and

2) ERA Talents (Funding & tenders (

3) ERC (ERC Calls 2024-| ERC (

4) Marie Curie Actions in general, Home | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (

We hereby invite top-class researchers of any nationality, after having obtained a PhD degree, to apply with us for EU-funded projects to conduct research at INN for a period of 12-24 months.
If you are interested, please have a look at the above Calls ( e.g. the eligibility criteria for participation), the research themes and Researcher profiles of INN and send a message to our Project Office Specialist Dr Katerina Tzortzatou, attaching:
•  CV (max. 2 pages plus full list of publications);
•  A Motivation Letter, including potential research theme, an INN direction that complements your expertise, or collaborator or supervisor, (if possible), etc
INN will review it and if a match can be found, it will provide support in writing a successful proposal.

For any further information, please contact our Project Office at the above e-mail address


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