Demokritos researchers pay tribute to Demokritos philosopher after the Micro&Nano 2022 conference
The international conference of the Scientific Society Micro&Nano 2022 took place on November 4-6, 2022 in Xanthi, Thrace Greece, close to the Ancient city of Avdira, the birth place of Demokritos and Lefkippos philosophers. The conference was organized by Prof. Filippos Farmakis of the University of Thrace and Prof. Dimitris Tassis of the University of Thessaloniki. Highlights of the conference were:
- The vibrant participation of DUTH students, some won the prize for the best poster
- The winning of the 1st in-the-series-award in memory of Dr Androula Nassiopoulou by the INN researcher Dr Eleni Makarona. Dr Nassiopoulou has been an INN researcher, an Institute director and a founder of the Micro&Nano society.
- The vibrant industrial session, in which the INN director presented the Innovation-el infrastructure network.
- On Sunday November 6th, after the conference end, the INN participants visited Avdira the birth place of the ancient philosophers Demokritos and Lefkippos and the archeological museum of Avdira to pay tribute to the philosophers whose names are the landmark of our research center and our technology park.

The Demokritians pay tribute to Demokritos in the archeological museum of Avdira.

Best Oral Presentation Award to Dr Eleni Makarona.
This award is the first of its series establsihed in memory of Dr Androula Nasiopoulou

Information about Demokritos and Lefkippos philosophers and other famous Avdirians in the Avdira museum.