Liposomes, functional dendritic polymers, drug delivery, hybrid carbon-based nanomaterials, implants for dental and orthopentics applications, multifunctional coatings, antibacterial/antifungal nanomaterials


Zili Sideratou was born in 1968 in Chios, Greece. She graduated from the University of Ioannina, obtaining the Degree of Chemistry in 1992. She prepared her PhD in NCSR “Demokritos” under the supervision of Dr C. M. Paleos in the area of hydrogen-bonded liquid crystals. She received her Ph.D. at National Technical University of Athens (1997). She continued her work as project chemist in the framework of a project funded by European Commission. During the years 2001-2006 she was working as a permanent scientist in Demokritos and then as a senior researcher. Since 2015, she holds a position of the Research Director in the Laboratory of “Functional Nanomaterials of organized structure”, NCSR Demokritos. She is co-author in 72 publications in peer reviewed journals and co-inventor in 5 international and 7 national patents. Citations: 2025; h factor 27 (Source: Scopus, December 2021). During her 25-years research, she has been involved in about 20 European and National research projects. Dr Sideratou is scientific responsible for NCSRD of the SANAD project (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IAPP) and ANNAFIB project (EuroNanoMed III-Joint Transnational Call-2018) Her current research interests focus on:

Preparation and characterization of functionalized carbon-based materials with dendritic polymers; prospected applications as controlled release and targeted drug delivery systems as well as antibacterial/ antifungal agents,
Functionalization, characterization and encapsulation properties of dendritic polymers; prospected applications as controlled release and targeted drug delivery systems as well as antibacterial/ antifungal agents,
Development of dendritic polymer-functionalized carbon-based nanostructured composites for various applications e.g. as implants for dental and orthopedics applications, as membranes for water treatment applications, etc.
Development of super-hydrophobic nanocoatings based on functional inorganic nanoparticles and polymer functionalized carbon-based materials for aviation and marine applications.
Preparation and characterization of liposomes and their applications as drug delivery systems.




Lyra, K.-M., Kaminari, A., Panagiotaki, K.N., Spyrou, K., Papageorgiou, S., Sakellis, E., Katsaros, F.K. and Sideratou, Z., Multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated with guanidinylated dendritic molecular transporters: An efficient platform for the selective anticancer activity of doxorubicin Pharmaceutics, Volume 13, Article Number: 858, 2021 [doi]

Kaminari, A., Nikoli, E., Athanasopoulos, A., Sakellis, E., Sideratou, Z. and Tsiourvas, D., Engineering mitochondriotropic carbon dots for targeting cancer cells Pharmaceuticals, Volume 14, Article Number: 932, 2021 [doi]

Papavasiliou, A., Deze, E.G., Papageorgiou, S.K., Sideratou, Z., Boukos, N., Poulakis, E., Philippopoulos, C.J., Glisenti, A., Van Everbroeck, T., Cool, P. and Katsaros, F.K., A hyperbranched polymer synthetic strategy for the efficient fixation of metal species within nanoporous structures: Application in automotive catalysis Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 421, Article Number: 129496, 2021 [doi]

Antoniou, Myrsini Kyriaki, Sapalidis, Andreas and Sideratou, Zili, Functionalization of Carbon-Based Additives Membrane Desalination, CRC Press, Pages: 67–90, 2020 [doi]

Zygouri, P., Spyrou, K., Mitsari, E., Barrio, M., Macovez, R., Patila, M., Stamatis, H., Verginadis, I.I., Velalopoulou, A.P., Evangelou, A.M., Sideratou, Z., Gournis, D. and Rudolf, P., A facile approach to hydrophilic oxidized fullerenes and their derivatives as cytotoxic agents and supports for nanobiocatalytic systems Scientific Reports, Volume 10, Article Number: 8244, 2020 [doi]

Panagiotaki, K.N., Spyrou, K., Zachariadis, M., Pratsinis, H., Kouloumpis, A., Boutsika, L.G., Enotiadis, A., Gournis, D., Giannelis, E.P. and Sideratou, Z., Non-porous phosphonated ionic silica nanospheres as nanocarriers for efficient intracellular delivery of doxorubicin Materials Today Communications, Volume 23, Article Number: 100787, 2020 [doi]

Heliopoulos, N.S., Kythreoti, G., Lyra, K.M., Panagiotaki, K.N., Papavasiliou, A., Sakellis, E., Papageorgiou, S., Kouloumpis, A., Gournis, D., Katsaros, F.K., Stamatakis, K. and Sideratou, Z., Cytotoxicity effects of water-soluble multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated with quaternized hyperbranched poly(Ethyleneimine) derivatives on autotrophic and heterotrophic gram-negative bacteria Pharmaceuticals, Volume 13, Pages: 1-25, Article Number: 293, 2020 [doi]

Stagni, V., Kaminari, A., Sideratou, Z., Sakellis, E., Vlahopoulos, S.A. and Tsiourvas, D., Targeting breast cancer stem-like cells using chloroquine encapsulated by a triphenylphosphonium-functionalized hyperbranched polymer International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 585, Article Number: 119465, 2020 [doi]

Lykogianni, M., Papadopoulou, E.-A., Sapalidis, A., Tsiourvas, D., Sideratou, Z. and Aliferis, K.A., Metabolomics reveals differential mechanisms of toxicity of hyperbranched poly(ethyleneimine)-derived nanoparticles to the soil-borne fungus Verticillium dahliae Kleb Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, Volume 165, Article Number: 104535, 2020 [doi]

Eleftheriou, K., Kaminari, A., Panagiotaki, K.N., Sideratou, Z., Zachariadis, M., Anastassopoulou, J. and Tsiourvas, D., A combination drug delivery system employing thermosensitive liposomes for enhanced cell penetration and improved in vitro efficacy International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 574, Article Number: 118912, 2020 [doi]

Sideratou, Z., Agathokleous, M., Theodossiou, T.A. and Tsiourvas, D., Functionalized Hyperbranched Polyethylenimines as Thermosensitive Drug Delivery Nanocarriers with Controlled Transition Temperatures Biomacromolecules, Volume 19, Pages: 315-328, 2018 [doi]

Sideratou, T., Atkinson, F., Campbell, G.J., Petocz, P., Bell-Anderson, K.S. and Brand-Miller, J., Glycaemic index of maternal dietary carbohydrate differentially alters Fto and Lep expression in offspring in C57BL/6 mice Nutrients, Volume 10, Article Number: 1342, 2018 [doi]

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