Antonaropoulos, G., Vasilakaki, M., Trohidou, K.N., Iannotti, V., Ausanio, G., Abeykoon, M., Bozin, E.S. and Lappas, A., Tailoring defects and nanocrystal transformation for optimal heating power in bimagnetic CoyFe1-yO@CoxFe3-xO4particles Nanoscale, Volume 14, Pages: 382-401, 2022 [doi]

Abdolrahimi, M., Vasilakaki, M., Slimani, S., Ntallis, N., Varvaro, G., Laureti, S., Meneghini, C., Trohidou, K.N., Fiorani, D. and Peddis, D., Magnetism of nanoparticles: Effect of the organic coating Nanomaterials, Volume 11, Article Number: 1787, 2021 [doi]

Vasilakaki, M., Margaris, G. and Trohidou, K., Interparticle Interactions: Theory and Mesoscopic Modeling Springer Series in Materials Science, Volume 308, Pages: 39-63, 2021 [doi]

Vasilakaki, M., Gemenetzi, F., Devlin, E., Yi, D.K., Riduan, S.N., Lee, S.S., Ying, J.Y., Papaefthymiou, G.C. and Trohidou, K.N., Size effects on the magnetic behavior of γ-Fe2O3 core/SiO2 shell nanoparticle assemblies Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Volume 522, Article Number: 167570, 2021 [doi]

Peddis, D., Trohidou, K.N., Vasilakaki, M., Margaris, G., Bellusci, M., Varsano, F., Hudl, M., Yaacoub, N., Fiorani, D., Nordblad, P. and Mathieu, R., Memory and superposition in a superspin glass Scientific Reports, Volume 11, Article Number: 7743, 2021 [doi]

Omelyanchik, A., Villa, S., Vasilakaki, M., Singh, G., Ferretti, A.M., Ponti, A., Canepa, F., Margaris, G., Trohidou, K.N. and Peddis, D., Interplay between inter- And intraparticle interactions in bi-magnetic core/shell nanoparticles Nanoscale Advances, Volume 3, Pages: 6912-6924, 2021 [doi]

Vasilakaki, M., Ntallis, N. and Trohidou, K.N., Application of Multiscale Computational Techniques to the Study of Magnetic Nanoparticle Systems Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), Volume 12044 LNCS, Pages: 301-311, 2020 [doi]

Vasilakaki, M., Margaris, G., Ntallis, N. and Trohidou, K., Multiscale modeling of magnetic nanoparticle systems Frontiers of Nanoscience, Volume 17, Pages: 27-39, 2020 [doi]

Vasilakaki, M., Ntallis, N., Bellusci, M., Varsano, F., Mathieu, R., Fiorani, D., Peddis, D. and Trohidou, K.N., Effect of albumin mediated clustering on the magnetic behavior of MnFe2O4 nanoparticles: Experimental and theoretical modeling study Nanotechnology, Volume 31, Article Number: 025707, 2020 [doi]

Sánchez, E.H., Vasilakaki, M., Lee, S.S., Normile, P.S., Muscas, G., Murgia, M., Andersson, M.S., Singh, G., Mathieu, R., Nordblad, P., Ricci, P.C., Peddis, D., Trohidou, K.N., Nogués, J. and De Toro, J.A., Simultaneous individual and dipolar collective properties in binary assemblies of magnetic nanoparticles Chemistry of Materials, Volume 32, Pages: 969-981, 2020 [doi]


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