RAITH – EBPG 5000plusES

e-beam Lithography


George Papageorgiou



EBL / Electron Beam Lithography

RAITH –EBPG 5000plusES

Mask-less (“direct-write”) patterning based on the exposure of an electron-sensitive material (termed as resist) to a focused electron beam. EBL gives the user the flexibility to create and test variousstructures and patterns at the micro/nanoscale before choosingthe more suitable solution for his needs. Dense sub-20nm patterns and sub-10nm isolated features are feasible for a sample size up to 4 inch in diameter. Attainable multi-level lithography alignment accuracy is less than 20nm. EBL is widely used for the development of Micro/Nanoelectronic and Photonic devices, NEMS/MEMS, etc.

Technical Specifications
•Exposure High current density thermal field emission gun for operation at 100kV
•Minimum feature sizeLess than 8nm
•Stitching accuracy Down to ±15nm
•Writing Frequency≤ 25MHz
•Sample size 2x2cm2 up to 4” wafer
•Operating environment Clean Room ISO-6 (Class 1000)

Additional Tools
Karl Süss RC8 & Headway EC 101D spin-coaters, High-precision hotplate (ATV), Software for pattern data preparation (Layout BEAMER, Genisys ), CAD tool for pattern design (K-Layout)

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