Coordination Chemistry Materials
The laboratory is fully equipped with apparatus and devices necessary for wet chemistry synthesis, including magnetic stirrers, analytical balances, rotary evaporator, ovens, water distillation apparatus, refrigerator, sonicator bath, centrifuges, chemical storage cabinets, ventilated crystallization cupboard with wall-mounted support mesh (used to store and observe crystallization experiments, e.g. layering tubes, slowly evaporating solutions, without the solvent vapors escaping to the workplace and without disturbing the solutions).

Inert atmosphere techniques are available.
Schlenk-line with vacuum and inert gas manifolds for work under anaerobic conditions, equipped with mercury bubblers/manometers (one for each manifold), allowing greater functionality (e.g. purging both manifolds, flame-sealing glass ampoules or NMR tubes under partial vacuum, etc). The gas stream is purified and dried by passing through molecular sieves and fully deoxygenated by passing through a manganese(II) oxide catalyst. The Schlenk line is connected to a high vacuum pump.

MBraun Labmaster glovebox for work under anaerobic conditions.
Equipped with a double-valve plug connected to a secondary vacuum pump via a coldtrap, allowing additional operations inside the glovebox (vacuum filtrations, vacuum drying, etc).