Food- and water-borne infections are commonly caused by bacteria. Indeed, more than 90% of the food poisoning cases are caused by bacteria commonly found in many raw foods and if present even in small numbers they may cause illness. Very recently, Legionella has been identified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the highest health burden of all water-borne pathogens in the European Union and many outbreaks are reported around the globe every year. The long delay between sampling and answer, and the resulting low frequency sampling, do not allow for early action to prevent legionella outbreaks in facilities including recreation centers, hospitals, hotels, resorts and other places of public interest. The importance of developing more efficient water diagnostics for pathogens and faster analyses methods is recognized worldwide, and this is the opportunity this project aspires to fill in towards the realization (in collaboration with Nanoplasmas PC) of a lab-on-a-chip for L. pneumophila detection. Thanks to the developed lab-on-a-chip and protocol, detection of L. pneumophila was achieved by a simple color change within 2 hours, instead of 10 days as required by standard culture-based microbiological methods.

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