INN evaluation completed Successfully


The INN evaluation for the period 2018-2021 was completed on June 23rd 2022. The evaluation committee has listened to the presentations of the Institute and its groups and has appreciated the efforts devoted to promote the Institute and establish it as an international Nanotechnology hub. On June 22nd a get together party was hosted with students, post docs, faculty and evaluation committee to exchange ideas in a more relaxing atmosphere.  The party highlight was the NCSRD band comprising NCSRD stuff who play musical instruments and sing. Thanks are due to all INN personnel, the NCSRD administrative and technical personnel, all colleagues in NCSRD various Institutes and Units, as well as the NCSRD president and members of the board who assisted during the evaluation. Thanks are also due to the evaluation committee comprising the following Scientists:

Prof. Mercouri G. Kanatzidis from Northwestern University, USA (Chair of the committee)
Prof. George Hadjipanayis from Delaware University, USA
Prof. George Malliaras from Cambridge University, UK
Dr David Cahen from Weizmann Institute, Israel
Prof. Thomas Anthopoulos from KAUST University, Saudi Arabia
Dr Bettina Lotsch from Max Planck, Germany
Prof. Gerasimos Konstantatos from  ICFO, Spain

We are looking into the future for further improvement of international position until the next evaluation.

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