Synchrotron and Conventional X-ray and Neutron Crystallography, Synchrotron X-ray Scattering, Neutron Scattering, Single Crystal Diffraction, Powder Diffraction, Total Scattering, Pair Distribution Function Analysis, Quantum Materials, Multifunctional Nanoparticles, (Nano)structure-property relationships in materials, Nanoscale fluctuations in materials, Superconductivity, Magnetism, (Multi)ferroelectricity, Advanced Data Analysis.


Dr. Evangelia Moschopoulou serves as research director at the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of the National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”.

Dr. Moschopoulou received her BSc in Physics from Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, and her MSc (in Science and Structure of Materials) and her PhD (in Crystallography and Condensed Matter Physics) from the University Grenoble Alpes (formerly University Joseph Fourier) and the French National Centre for Scientific Research (Centre National de la Research Scientifique, CNRS) in Grenoble, France (with fellowships from the French Ministry of Education and Research). She worked as postdoctoral research associate at Los Alamos National Laboratory (at Condensed Matter and Thermal Physics Group, known today as Condensed Matter and Magnet Science Group of the Materials Physics and Applications Division) and as staff scientist at Brookhaven National Laboratory (National Synchrotron Light Source) at USA from 1995 to 2000. Since then Dr. Moschopoulou moved back to Greece and she serves as staff scientist at the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of the National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”. She is the author of 47 publications, a book chapter and a review paper, and cited more than 2100 times. She participates at various national, bi-lateral, European and international projects. She also serves on numerous national, European and international boards and committees.

Her research focuses on the discovery and advanced structural characterization of novel materials, with a particular interest in uncovering the accurate crystal structure (in local, nano, medium and long range, including disorder and interfaces) of quantum materials, and multifunctional nanoparticles. Dr. Moschopoulou aims to understand how details of the structure and composition determine the ground state of a system, as well as the marked variation in its structural, electronic and magnetic properties at the boundary between non-magnetic, magnetic, and superconducting ground states. The materials she is interested in are characterized by structural complexity at short, nano- meso- and average length scales (which are relevant for their properties), often exhibit various types of disorder (which dictate their properties), and undergo subtle structural phase transitions under a control parameter such as temperature, pressure, magnetic field, substitution(s), strain, reduced dimensionality. Her key goal is to establish the structure-property-function relationship in quantum materials and multifunctional nanoparticles via the correlation of their structure with their electronic and magnetic properties, in order to understand the organizing principles that lead to complex collective behavior in these systems. This knowledge is the foundation on which future progress will be built towards tailoring materials (via materials design or exploratory synthesis) having the desired set of properties and functionalities for applications in energy, biomedicine, information and sensing technologies.

The main structural tools Dr. Moschopoulou uses for her experiments is an appropriate combination of scattering techniques and radiations (synchrotron Χ-rays, neutrons, electrons) on single crystals, powders and nanoparticles, often under complex sample environments (with variable temperature, pressure, magnetic field) at Large Scale Synchrotron X-ray and Neutron Facilities worldwide. These experiments are always coupled with advanced data analysis.

Dr. Moschopoulou brings a strong commitment to research, teaching and learning. She is passionate about mentoring and improving the success of students and postdoctoral fellows, and has a deep commitment to international collaboration. She was recently (1/2022) elected Member-at-Large of the Executive Committee of the American Physical Society Forum on International Physics.


Evagelia G. Moshopoulou, Pascale Foury-Leylekian, Katharine Page, C'eline Doubrovsky, Martha Greenblatt and Alan J. Hurd, Neutron and Synchrotron X-Ray Scattering Studies of Bulk and Nanostructured Multiferroic and Ferroelectric Materials Nanoscale Ferroelectrics and Multiferroics, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Pages: 375–399, 2016 [doi]

S. Chattopadhyay, V. Bal'edent, F. Damay, A. Gukasov, E. Moshopoulou, P. Auban-Senzier, C. Pasquier, G. Andr'e, F. Porcher, E. Elkaim, C. Doubrovsky, M. Greenblatt and P. Foury-Leylekian, Evidence of multiferroicity in NdMn2O5 Physical Review B, American Physical Society (APS), Volume 93, 2016 [doi]

Milanović, M., Moshopoulou, E.G., Stamopoulos, D., Devlin, E., Giannakopoulos, K.P., Kontos, A.G., Eleftheriadis, K., Gini, M.I. and Nikolić, L.M., Structure and magnetic properties of Zn1-xInxFe 2O4 and ZnYxFe2-xO4 nanoparticles prepared by coprecipitation Ceramics International, Volume 39, Pages: 3235-3242, 2013 [doi]

Nikoli'c, Milan P, Giannakopoulos, Konstantinos P, Stamopoulos, Dimosthenis and Moshopoulou, Evagelia G, Synthesis and characterization of silica core/nano-ferrite shell particles Materials Research Bulletin, Pergamon, Volume 47, Pages: 1513–1519, 2012 [doi]

Evagelia G. Moshopoulou, Olivier Isnard, Marija Milanovic and Vladimir V. Srdic, Probing the Transition from Nano- to Bulk-Like Behaviour in ZnFe2O4 Nanoparticles Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech Publications, Ltd., Volume 674, Pages: 207–211, 2011 [doi]

O Isnard, E G Moshopoulou, J Prchal and P Javorsky, Specific heat measurements and structural investigation of CeCu6 − xSnx compounds Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, IOP Publishing, Volume 22, Pages: 435602, 2010 [doi]

M. Maletin, E. G. Moshopoulou and V. V. Srdic, Magnetic properties of ZnFe2O4 and In-doped ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles physica status solidi (a), Wiley, Volume 205, Pages: 1831–1834, 2008 [doi]

Marija Maletin, Evagelia G. Moshopoulou, Stevan Jankov, Srdjan Rakic and Vladimir V. Srdic, The Effect of Yttrium and Indium Doping on the Structure and Electrical Properties of Zinc-Ferrite Nanoparticles Solid State Phenomena, Trans Tech Publications, Ltd., Volume 128, Pages: 101–106, 2007 [doi]

E. G. Moshopoulou, R. M. Ibberson, J. L. Sarrao, J. D. Thompson and Z. Fisk, Structure of Ce2RhIn8: an example of complementary use of high-resolution neutron powder diffraction and reciprocal-space mapping to study complex materials Acta Crystallographica Section B Structural Science, International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), Volume 62, Pages: 173–189, 2006 [doi]

A. Llobet, J. S. Gardner, E. G. Moshopoulou, J.-M. Mignot, M. Nicklas, W. Bao, N. O. Moreno, P. G. Pagliuso, I. N. Goncharenko, J. L. Sarrao and J. D. Thompson, MagneticstructureofCeRhIn5asafunctionofpressureandtemperature American Physical Society (APS), Volume 69, 2004 [doi]

Evagelia G. Moshopoulou, Superconductivity in the Spinel Compound LiTi2O4 Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Wiley, Volume 82, Pages: 3317–3320, 2004 [doi]

E.G. Moshopoulou, J.L. Sarrao, P.G. Pagliuso, N.O. Moreno, J.D. Thompson, Z. Fisk and R.M. Ibberson, Comparison of the crystal structure of the heavy-fermion materials CeCoIn 5 , CeRhIn 5 and CeIrIn 5 Applied Physics A: Materials Science Processing, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Volume 74, Pages: s895–s897, 2002 [doi]

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