e-beam lithography, nanofabrication, resist process engineering and analysis


George Papageorgiou was born in Athens in 1978. He received his BSc in physics in 1999 (Queen Mary University of London) and his PhD in physics in 2004 (Royal Holloway, University of London). During his PhD research he acquired experience in low temperature experimental practices (Millikelvin Laboratory, London) and micro-/nano- fabrication processes (C.E.A, Paris). Results from an experimental investigation assessing the feasibility of entrapment, confinement and control of small numbers of two-dimensional electrons above the surface of liquid helium, in quantum wells at temperatures down to 150mK, were presented in his thesis, entitled “Counting Electrons on Helium with a Single Electron Tunneling Transistor”. Pinned electrons on helium have the potential for becoming physical implementations of quantum bits, as suggested by theorists Platzman and Dykman in Science, in 1999.

In 2014 he was employed by the National Research Center "Demokritos" and became member of staff (Functional Scientific Personnel) in 2018. He is currently responsible for the operation of the high resolution electron beam lithography (EBL) system Raith EBPG-5000+, which is installed at the Nanotechnology and Microsystems Laboratory (NML) of the Institute of Nanosciences and Nanotechology (INN). His work is focused on the realisation of lithographic process requests using EBL, in conjunction with associated clean room pattern transfer processes. He has co-authored 14 journal publications with over 200 citations.


Geka, G., Papageorgiou, G., Chatzichristidi, M., Karydas, A.G., Psycharis, V. and Makarona, E., Cuo/pmma polymer nanocomposites as novel resist materials for e‐beam lithography Nanomaterials, Volume 11, Pages: 1-22, Article Number: 762, 2021 [doi]

Papageorgiou, G.P., Karydas, A.G., Papageorgiou, G., Kantarelou, V. and Makarona, E., Controlled synthesis of periodic arrays of ZnO nanostructures combining e-beam lithography and solution-based processes leveraged by micro X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy Micro and Nano Engineering, Volume 8, Article Number: 100063, 2020 [doi]

Mpatzaka, T., Zisis, G., Raptis, I., Vamvakas, V., Kaiser, C., Mai, T., Schirmer, M., Gerngroß, M. and Papageorgiou, G., Process study and the lithographic performance of commercially available silsesquioxane based electron sensitive resist Medusa 82 Micro and Nano Engineering, Volume 8, Article Number: 100065, 2020 [doi]

Mpatzaka, T., Papageorgiou, G., Papanikolaou, N., Valamontes, E., Ganetsos, T., Goustouridis, D., Raptis, I. and Zisis, G., In-situ characterization of the development step of high-resolution e-beam resists Micro and Nano Engineering, Volume 9, Article Number: 100070, 2020 [doi]

Athanasekos, L., Christofi, A., Gantzounis, G., Bolomyti, E., Papageorgiou, G., Skoulikidou, M.-C., Raptis, I. and Papanikolaou, N., Design and fabrication of suspended Si3N4 nanobeam cavities Microelectronic Engineering, Volume 159, Pages: 42-45, 2016 [doi]

Papageorgiou, G., Glasson, P., Harrabi, K., Antonov, V., Collin, E., Fozooni, P., Frayne, P.G., Lea, M.J., Rees, D.G. and Mukharsky, Y., Counting individual trapped electrons on liquid helium Applied Physics Letters, Volume 86, Pages: 1-3, Article Number: 153106, 2005 [doi]

Glasson, P., Papageorgiou, G., Harrabi, K., Rees, D.G., Antonov, V., Collin, E., Fozooni, P., Frayne, P.G., Mukharsky, Y. and Lea, M.J., Trapping single electrons on liquid helium Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 66, Pages: 1539-1543, 2005 [doi]

Glasson, P., Collin, E., Fozooni, P., Frayne, P.G., Harrabi, K., Bailey, W., Papageorgiou, G., Mukharsky, Y. and Lea, M.J., Confined electron crystals and Rydberg states on liquid helium Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Volume 22, Pages: 761-766, 2004 [doi]

Glasson, P., Dotsenko, V., Fozooni, P., Lea, M.J., Bailey, W., Papageorgiou, G., Andresen, S.E. and Kristensen, A., Observation of dynamical ordering in a confined Wigner crystals Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Volume 18, Pages: 173-174, 2003 [doi]

Papageorgiou, G., Mukharsky, Yu., Harrabi, K., Glasson, P., Fozooni, P., Frayne, P.G., Collin, E. and Lea, M.J., Detecting electrons on helium with a single-electron transistor (SET) Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Volume 18, Pages: 179-181, 2003 [doi]

Collin, E., Bailey, W., Fozooni, P., Frayne, P.G., Glasson, P., Harrabi, K., Lea, M.J. and Papageorgiou, G., Microwave saturation and the Rabi frequency of the Rydberg states of electrons on helium Physica E: Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, Volume 18, Pages: 186-187, 2003 [doi]

Collin, E., Bailey, W., Fozooni, P., Frayne, P.G., Glasson, P., Harrabi, K., Lea, M.J. and Papageorgiou, G., Microwave Saturation of the Rydberg States of Electrons on Helium Physical Review Letters, Volume 89, 2002 [doi]

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