Luminescence Dating
PAMS group operates a research luminescence dating laboratory dedicated to fundamental research in the luminescence properties of earth materials, to improve and advance the current knowledge on the physical mechanisms underlying the luminescence dating methodology, as well as developing new and innovative approaches to luminescence dating.
Additionally, through the conduction of several research projects PAMS group employs the luminescence dating methodology to address a wide range of archaeological, geological, geomorphological, palaeoenvironmental as well as palaeoseismological questions.
PAMS group has been applying luminescence dating to a wide range of fields including, archaeology, palaeontology, and cultural heritage (to determine the age of archaeological sites, pottery and ceramic production or last use, construction of ancient and historic buildings, last heating of flint and stones); geology, stratigraphy, geomorphology, landscape evolution, palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment (to determine the age of different geological formations, sedimentary environments and diachronic landscape evolution); palaeoseismology and palaeotsunamis (to provide the age of past seismic and other tsunamigenic events).
The group welcomes collaboration with research institutes, universities and governmental research agencies, as well as post-graduate students and post-doctoral scholars that would like to explore luminescence dating for their research; those interested please contact
Dr. Eleni Filippaki at
The luminescence dating laboratory provides a limited number of outside analyses as commercial dating service.