Synthesis of SnO2 layers by CVD using various oxidation agents and doped with F, Sb and Ta

SnO2 films are transparent in the visible part of the spectrum and electrically conductive. In the CVD-ALD laboratory they are deposited using SnCl4 vapors, at atmospheric pressure and temperatures above 380 οC. It has been found that the use of different oxidants (water vapor, various alcohols) leads to SnO2 films with different properties and possible uses. For example, the use of water vapor gives films suitable for use in chemical sensors. The use of methanol gives very transparent and very conductive films. Doping with various elements such as F, Sb and Ta, greatly improves the conductivity and transparency of the films. The effect of substrates on the quality of the produced films is under investigation. Under investigation are substrates for the production of which low amounts of energy are required since SnO2 films find applications in the production of electricity from the sun. Emphasis is given on cellulose substrates and/or its derivatives with the hope that in the long run we will be able to produce solar cells on such substrates.

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