pulsed NMR spectrometer 400MHz

The 400MHz pulsed NMR spectrometer has an operating frequency range 2 – 400 MHz (optionally up to 800MHz) and is utilized with a Bruker superconductive magnet of 9.4 Tesla. It is equipped with an Oxford Instr. Continuous Flow Cryostat (CF 1200 dynamic) for measurements in the temperature range 1.6 – 500 K and an Oxford Instr. Furnace HT1000V enabling measurements in the temperature range 300 – 1000 K. An Oxford ITC5 temperature controller ensures temperature regulation with an accuracy of ±0.1 K.
Its main applications include:
Condensed Matter Physics, focusing in Strong Electron Correlated Systems and Topological Matter.

Dirac surface electron states detected with 125Te NMR nanocrystallography methods on Bi2Te3 nanoplatelets. “Resolving Dirac Electrons with broadband high resolution NMR”, Papawassiliou, W., et al., Nature Communications 11, 1285 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-14838-4
Electronic properties of various nanocatalysts (transition-metal based phosphide nanoparticles, supported 2D dichalcogenides, nanozeolites, etc.).
The ssNMR lab is further equipped with 2 workstations having total RAM capacity 384 Gb, 64 cores and 10 Tb storage memory for Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations for NMR crystallography. (DFT software packages Quantum Espresso, Wien2k, ORCA).

Correlating 31P ssNMR spectra (left column) with DFT calculations (right column). Papawassiliou, W., et al., “Crystal and electronic facet analysis of ultrafine Ni2P particles by solid-state NMR nanocrystallography”. (https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv.13338905.v1)