The Materials for Nanolithography and Organic Electronics Group is a research group within the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at National Centre for Scientific Research “Demokritos”. Our group consists of permanent researchers, post-doctoral associates and graduate students/PhD candidates, who are engaged in research on molecular materials that can play a functional role in electronic and photonic devices and systems or can enable the efficient micro-nano fabrication of such devices. Our work includes research on the basic physics and chemistry of molecular materials and materials having structural similarities and comparable or complementary properties, such as metal oxides, perovskites and 2-D materials, and focuses on micro-nano fabrication processes and on development/evaluation of optoelectronic devices. In addition, possibilities for applications in areas where related material requirements are encountered, as for instance in photocatalysis, art conservation, biomaterials and industrial coatings, are investigated with collaborative partners.