New Categories of Bioactive Compounds from cyanobacterial Biomass; Extraction, Isolation and Identification of Metabolites; Bio-activity Studies
Cyanobacteria pose unique biosynthetic capabilities and produce a wide variety of cyanometabolites (CMs) with a broad spectrum of bioactivities. Especially, Arthrospira spp., commercially known as ‘Spirulina’, are gaining more and more interest in the food supplements sector, due to their high content in proteins, nutrients, and bioactive compounds with beneficial properties. Isolation of these compounds faces a range of challenges and depends on the employed extraction techniques and conditions. The main objectives of this activity are (a) the development of appropriate protocols for the extraction/fractionation and characterization of cyanometabolites from cyanobacteria biomass using advanced analytical methods and tools (LC-MS/MS, HRM),

and (b) the investigation of their rich potential by assessing the biological activity of new bioactive compounds employing a battery of in vitro bioactivity assays. The results of this activity are expected to have a significant impact on the economy by attracting the interest of different market sectors like natural pharmaceuticals, cosmetic ingredients and functional foods triggered by the increasing demand of consumers for high added value “green” products with unique properties.