The solid state NMR (ssNMR) group of INN works primarily in the area of Condensed Matter Physics, focusing in the study of strong electron correlated systems, topological matter, as well as the study of the electronic properties of various nanocatalysts, such as transition-metal based phosphide nanoparticles, supported 2D dichalcogenides (e.g. MoS2), nanozeolites, etc. Other areas of interest are NMR studies of nanofluidic processes in restricted geometries (e.g. water and ionic liquid motion in carbonaceous and silica nanoporous structures), as well as gelation processes of industrial interest, such as cements, and self-healing coatings for the aerospace technology.

In the last years the ssNMR group is strongly involved in the implementation of NMR crystallography methods in the study of metals and semi-metals with complex electronic properties (combining advanced ssNMR methods with Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods to acquire precise electronic and crystallographic information at the nanoscale). Work in this area is in collaboration with the Stockholm university (Sweden), the university of Lyon (France), the Korea Basic Science Institute (S. Korea), and the Khalifa university of Science and Technology at Abu Dhabi (UAE).

The group also acquires unique expertise in the construction of broadband NMR spectrometers. Currently four NMR spectrometers have been constructed operating in the frequency range 2 MHz – 800 MHz, attached to four superconductive magnets (100 MHz, 200 MHz (two), and 400 MHz). Experiments are performed in the temperature range 2K – 1000K.