Autosorb 1MP

Micropore physisorption analyzer


Autosorb-1-MP Quantachrome Instruments x 2 units


Surface Area Measurement, Adsorption/Desorption Isotherms, Pore Size Distribution, True Solid.

Surface area: 0.01 m2/g to no known upper limit

Pore volume: Detectable volume limit: <0.0001 cc/g. 

Pore size distribution range: 3.5 to >4000 Å

Isosteric heat of adsorption

Technical Specifications

Gases: Ar, N2, Kr, CO2, CH4, H2, any permanent gas, vapors

P/P0: <3x10-10 – 0.995 (nitrogen)

Pressure transducer 1000 torr: Accuracy: ±0.11% full scale, Minimum resolvable pressure: 2.5 x10-4 torr

Pressure transducer 1 torr: Accuracy: ±0.15 % reading, Minimum resolvable pressure: 2.5 x 10-7 torr

Degas ports: 2 (2 heating mantles with max temperature 350 oC)

Ultimate vacuum: 5x10-9mbar

Vapor Sorption option with heated manifold and vapor generator

Additional Tools

Argon filled glove box (MBraun) and cell seals for handling and transferring air sensitive samples

CryoCooler: Cryogen free, temperature range: 20.00 – 320.00K

Home-made liquid bath, temperature range: 273 – 323K

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